Friday, September 9, 2022

Birthday gift

All of a sudden

My friend asks me to wish for her birthday

I have nothing in hand

Have never felt that important

So I have given an empty hand

No word came from a dry heart

So I asked if she'd a cake

I feel very sad when looking back

If I had a knife

I would have cut my heart into twenty 

and given a piece.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

On being an informer

Informers know what they are

They are not to bring exact words

But to bring the meaning alone

If the other gave hot water to pour on face

They will bring very late it to become cold 

If the other gave a burning stick to light the head

They will bring a match stick and say it's a gift

If the other sent a spearhead to heart

They'll come with a safety pin to remove throns 

If the other said not to utter a single word

They will use all the emojis

Informers are not for money

Informers serve for love

Informers too have life to live

Informers too get bored of lies.

On writing letters

Writing a letter is not a cowardice act,

Instead, maximum bravery

a coward can show is writing a letter.

It won't bring fear like

an image from an anonymous id

Instead, it's the nudity of a newborn

which longs for a refuge

Like many things, letters too have

their own bright sides

no struggles like word search

no struggles like short breaths

not the elevation of body heat

nor the sound of own heart

no need to be in a hurry

no need to reduce voice

no need to look ground or somewhere

no need to fear that someone may hear

no need to be scared when the face shrinks

no need to fear that we may stopped in between

no need to fear that the other will leave before finishing

one can tell all they want to tell

one can tell all they didn't meant to tell

Above all

it's a handicraft,

which is made with lots of efforts

which is checked countless times

which is specially made for only one

which is specially made by only one

Cowards know well that,

it is difficult to get answers to their letters.

They also know well that,

even after

One should not go and ask,

"Did you see the light of the truth in it?"

All a coward can do is, writing and waiting.



Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Cutting a tree

If you want to cut a tree

Cut it day by day

Each cut a day

Or at least

Grow it as a Bonsai

Cut it instant

When hands of love extend 

Instead of that

Don't think of plucking from the root

Even if you shattered,

please don't ask me

What to do with the

Mushrooms while decaying.